Referee for Varsity match must report match results
Lead referee for Junior Varsity match must report match results
Log into Arbiter and click the icon - Schedule
Find the match which you are reporting
Click on the R associated with the match. It should be red in color.
Record the score of the match and indicated if any of the officials were Late or a No Show. Also call Miles if either of these occurs.
DO NOT report ANYTHING in the Comment section of the report.
Click Save. You will have the page reappear after this.
Now click on the CSOA Game Report link. You will be taken directly to the CSOA Game Report we have been using for some time.
You must complete both forms. The Arbiter form is used for payroll purposes. The CSOA report is used for reporting to VHSL and the schools.
After the reports have been completed, the R will become Green in color.
All match reports must be completed on a timely basis in order for you to get paid.
CSOA has sanctions in place if you dont file your reports timely.
Someone will be following up with you about unfilled match reports.
Please cooperate with this !! It just makes extra work for someone if you dont.